December 27, 2021

How to Enhance End-User Experience: Cascading Multi-Select Filters in Tableau

By Katrina Menne

Recently, a client requested a better end user experience for selecting child accounts under parent accounts. Tableau has always had simple filtering capabilities, but we wanted to provide a similar experience to other web applications or filtering menus. We wanted to recreate Tableau’s “show relevant values” feature without needing to always display each filter layer. Here is how to build a collapsing cascading multi-select filter.

What are Cascading Multi-Select Filters?

Cascading filters are filters that let you drill into a specific selection to decide what to include or exclude. The multi-select means an end user can choose items in different groupings of the date; for example multiple sub-categories across different categories.

Step 1: Identify the Correct Field

In order for this process to work, we need to identify a field that has two different values present for each level of the hierarchy menu. For this example, I chose Order Date because there are at least two different months for each Sub-Category. They don’t need to be the same dates, but there needs to be a minimum of two.

A screenshot of a Tableau workbook choosing Order Date

Step 2: Create Category Parameter

Create a parameter that is a Data type: String and Current Value is blank. All values are allowable.
A screenshot of creating a parameter in Tableau

Step 3: Create Sub-Category Parameter

This will have the same configuration as the Category Parameter.
A screenshot of creating a category parameter in Tableau

Step 4: Create a Placeholder Level 1 and 2 Calculation

This calculation is used to build the framework of the cascading menu. It creates two placeholders at different indent levels, Level 0 (Category) & Level 1 (Sub-Category). This calculation says “Find the first month used in this data set and if you find that date in the data set (which it always will) return the number 0” and “Find the last month used in this data set and if you find that date in the data set (which it, again, always will) return the number 1”.
					//Hierarchy | Months Min/Max

IF DATETRUNC('month',[Order Date])={FIXED [Category],[Sub-Category]:MIN(DATETRUNC('month',[Order Date]))} then 0
ELSEIF DATETRUNC('month',[Order Date])={FIXED [Category],[Sub-Category]:MAX(DATETRUNC('month',[Order Date]))} then 1 

A screenshot of a calculation in Tableau

Again, note that it doesn’t matter which date are the min and max, only that there is a 0 & 1 for each Category/Sub-Category.

A screenshot of a tableau workbook with filters

You’ll want to convert this calculation to discrete. Right-click on the calculation and convert to discrete. 

A gif showing how to convert a calculation to discrete in Tableau

Step 5: Create Column Placeholders

This is basically going to be the same formula as above. You can use the Months Min/Max formula if you want to, but I’ve found there’s more flexibility with formatting with separate formulas.
					//Hierarchy | Indent
IF  [Hierarchy | Months Min/Max]=1
then 2


Step 6: Create Hierarchy Labels

This field is used to differentiate what should be displayed on the placeholder values created in the Months Min/Max field.

					//Hierarchy | Labels
IF [Hierarchy | Months Min/Max]=0 then [Category]
ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Months Min/Max]=1 then [Sub-Category]


Step 7: Create a Function to Update the Category Parameter

This field will be used with a parameter action to populate the empty Category Parameter.
					//Hierarchy | Update Category
IF [Hierarchy | Months Min/Max]=0
then IF CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])
        then REPLACE([Hierarchy | Category],[Category]+', ','')
        ELSE [Hierarchy | Category]+[Category]+', '
ELSE [Hierarchy | Category]


Translated, this calculation says,

“First, check to see if the selected item is a category (as opposed to a sub-category.)

Then, if the category parameter already contains the category I just clicked on, replace the category I selected with a comma. (This is so we can unselect a category.) 

Otherwise, if the category parameter does not already contain the category I just clicked, tack it (and a comma) on to the end of whatever is already in the category parameter. (This is so we can select multiple categories.) 

And if what I clicked on is not a category, don’t change anything in the category hierarchy.”

A screenshot showing how to Create a Function to Update the Category Parameter

Step 8: Create an Updated Sub-Category Parameter Calculation

This is going to be mostly the same calculation as above, except applied to the sub-categories. 
					//Hierarchy | Update Sub-Category
IF CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Sub-Category], str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+[Hierarchy | Labels]+', ')
THEN REPLACE([Hierarchy | Sub-Category], STR([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+ [Hierarchy | Labels]+', ','')
ELSE [Hierarchy | Sub-Category] + STR([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+ [Hierarchy | Labels]+', '

A screenshot showing code for creating an updated sub-category parameter calculation in Tableau

The prefix (str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])) is used to distinguish which level an item belongs to. This is to address any issues caused by having the same word in a category and sub-category (i.e., Category of Office Supplies & Sub-Category of Supplies).

A screenshot of Tableau rows: category and sub-category

Step 9: Create Hierarchy Keep Filter

Next, we will build the functions for filtering out the content we don’t want to display. The first one is used to show the sub-categories of the selected category (CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])) and keep all other category-level items.

					//Hierarchy | Keep
CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])
or [Hierarchy | Months Min/Max]=0

Code in Tableau for creating hierarchy keep filter

Step 10: Is the Item Selected?

This is where things start to get a little convoluted. The easiest way to think about it is, if it is a Category level item, I need to actively select it. If it is a Sub-Category level item, I need to actively unselect it.

					//Hierarchy | Selected
(NOT CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])) 
CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Sub-Category],str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+ [Hierarchy | Labels])

code in Tableau for actively unselecting a sub-category item

Step 11: Should the Item be Included?

The next step is to determine if the item should be included in the grand total. Remember that since the category and sub-category section/deselecting procedure are opposite; this calculation helps align them. 

Here you can see how selected and included to work differently based on if it is a category or subcategory.

A gif showing hierarchy filters in Tableau
					//Hierarchy | Include
IF (not CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])) then FALSE
ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Indent]=1 and CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Sub-Category],str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+[Hierarchy | Labels]) then TRUE
ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Indent]=2 and CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Sub-Category],str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+[Hierarchy | Labels]) then FALSE



Step 12: Selected Shapes

Next, we want to go one step further into selected/unselected to help the end-user distinguish between selected categories, selected items, and partially selected categories.
					//Hierarchy | Selected Shapes

IF (not CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Category],[Category])) then 'a'
ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Indent]=1 and {FIXED [Category]:SUM({ FIXED [Sub-Category]:Sum(if [Hierarchy | Include] then 0 else 1 end)})}>0 then 'b'
ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Indent]=2 and CONTAINS([Hierarchy | Sub-Category],str([Hierarchy | Months Min/Max])+[Hierarchy | Labels]) then 'a'
ELSE 'c'
a screenshot of hierarchy filters in Tableau

Want to have a different shape for selected categories vs selected items? Add this line to the selected shapes formula:

					ELSEIF [Hierarchy | Indent]=1 and  {FIXED [Category]:SUM({ FIXED [Sub-Category]:Sum(if [Include] then 0 else 1 end)})}=0 then 'd'

a screenshot of hierarchy filters in Tableau

Step 13: Sales Total

Next to add the sales bar chart we need to calculate the sum and the category and subcategory level in order to have the total bar.

					//Selected Sales Sum
{FIXED [Category],[Sub-Category]:
    SUM(if {FIXED [Sub-Category]:
        SUM({ FIXED [Sub-Category]:
            Sum(if [Hierarchy | Include] then 0 else 1 end)})
        }<=0 then [Sales] else Null END


This calculation works by first determining if the sub-category has been selected. If it has been selected it returns the sum for the sub-category. It is important to remember that our menu display is filtered to the first and last month, so it won’t properly return the spend unless we tell Tableau to fix the sum to the sub-category level. Finally, we add the sums of each sub-category (Fix it to the Category & Sub-Category) to calculate the category total bar.

Step 14: Assembling the Menu

Now that we have all of our menu calculations built, we can assemble the menu
  1. Hierarchy | Indent to Columns 
    1. Needs to be a continuous dimension
  2. Category to Rows
  3. Hierarchy | Months Min/Max to Rows
    1. Needs to be a discrete dimension
  4. Hierarchy | Labels to Rows
  5. Hierarchy | Months Min/Max to Filters
    1. Needs to be a discrete dimension
    2. Filter to keep 0 & 1 (This is to exclude nulls)
  6. Hierarchy | Keep to Filters
    1. Filter to keep True
  7. Hierarchy | Labels to Label
  8. Add Hierarchy | Selected to Color
  9. Hierarchy | Selected Shapes to Shapes 
    1. Change Marks to Shape if you haven’t already 
  10. Hierarchy | Update Category & Hierarchy | Update Sub-Category to details
a gif showing how to assemble the menu in Tableau
a gif showing adding all the hierarchies in Tableau

The following steps are easier to understand if a category and sub-category are selected. Since we haven’t added the dashboards actions yet, you can manually add a selection.

a screenshot of hierarchies in Tableau

Step 15: Assemble the Bar Chart

  1. Duplicate the Menu Tab
  2. Rename to Bars
  3. Change the mark type to Bar
  4. Replace Hierarchy | Indent in Columns with Sum(Selected Sales Sum)
  5. Add Category to Detail
  6. Change Category from Detail to Color
    1. This is so the grand total bar can be a different color than the items under it 
  7. Hide Null indicator
a gif of assembling the bar chart in Tableau
You can add the bars to the same sheet as the menu, but I wanted to be able to control the spacing between the menu and bars better so I chose to have separate sheets.

Step 16: Assemble the Dashboard

Add a dashboard and place the Menu and Bars sheets on the dashboard.

a gif showing assembling the dashboard

Step 17: Dashboard Actions

Next, we’ll create the interactions allowing users to select and unselect items. 

Create a Dashboard Action change a parameter. It needs to run a select, update Hierarchy | Category Parameter, using the field Hierarchy | Update Category. 

a gif showing how to create interactions in Tableau

Create a second Dashboard Action change a parameter. It needs to run a select, update Hierarchy | Sub-Category Parameter, using the field Hierarchy | Update Sub-Category.

a gif of creating a second dashboard action

Step 18: Update Formatting

The final step is to clean up the interface and add any design features you’d like. Here are some of the edits I made: 

  • Hide field labels/headers for rows and columns
  • Adjust row height
  • Remove column dividers, row dividers, and gridlines
  • Turn off tooltips
  • Edit shapes for menu
  • Change colors for menu
  • Change colors for bars
  • Added Spend to bar labels
  • Edited Menu axis to be fixed between 0-8
    • This aligns the format to the left
  • Change the font
  • Add a slight background to the menu
  • Turn on animations 

Once completed, you have a more elegant solution for allowing end users to easily select items within different groupings. 

To see the final result, check out my dashboard on Tableau Public.

For more examples of creating better end-user experiences, check out these blogs: 

final result dashboard in tableau

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