Plant Intelligence on Snowflake for Manufacturing

Reduce downtime and operational waste with Snowflake

Common Issues Facing Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing companies face some common problems when it comes to plant intelligence analytics:

Downtime is Expensive

Minimizing downtime is the key to profitability. 

Proactive vs. Reactive

Line and shift leaders often reactive to problems,

Lack of Visibility

Lack of visibility into key indicators is costly to bottom and top line. 

phData’s Plant Intelligence solution on Snowflake directly addresses these common manufacturing analytics challenges.

phData Plant Intelligence on Snowflake Manufacturing Solution

Our solution increases profitability, enhances visibility, and optimizes performance through centralizing manufacturing execution data on Snowflake and visualizing actionable insights in Tableau Software.

Our Plant Intelligence on Snowflake & Tableau solution delivers the following:

  1. Snowflake Data Model
  2. Tableau Dashboard
  3. End-User Training
Snowflake & Tableau solution

What Value to Expect From the Plant Intelligence on Snowflake Solution:

Our solution will provide value in the following areas:


phData Plant Intelligence on Snowflake Manufacturing Solution Customer Story: Global Food Manufacturer


A global food manufacture needed to lessen downtime, reduce operating costs, create more visibility in their systems and shift from a reactive to proactive mindset.  


The client implemented phData’s Plant Intelligence solution. They centralized their ERP data, manufacturing executing, quality and safety systems on Snowflake.  The end product is an optimized data visualization built in Tableau supported by the Snowflake data. 


The Snowflake data model crated a common time series of demand, quality, productivity and safety data, allowing end users to view key metrics in once source of truth locations. 

The Tableau Dashboard meets the needs of the plant leadership & operational staff around cost reduction, visibility, and a proactive mindset. 

Take the next step
with phData.

Curious about how to accelerate your Snowflake manufacturing journey? We’ve got you covered!

Data Coach is our premium analytics training program with one-on-one coaching from renowned experts.

Accelerate and automate your data projects with the phData Toolkit