Supply Chain Stock Coverage: Power BI Example Dashboard

This Supply Chain Stock Coverage example Power BI report is a very real-world example of client work that we’ve done. Although we haven’t built this specific dashboard for clients before, many of the concepts, views, capabilities, and metrics we use are ones we’ve found repeated through Supply Chain projects, particularly with our CPG clients. 

Especially in the post-pandemic business environment, the importance of managing and gaining visibility into your Supply Chain is at an all-time high. 

Who is the Ideal User of This Dashboard?

This report is meant for any logistics or supply chain analyst or buyers in a number of lines of business, particularly at high-volume companies such as Retail or CPG. Anyone interacting with the supply chain from start to finish could be a potential user, including buyers, plant managers, relationship managers, or finance managers.

For example, a finance manager will need to project profit derived from product sales by store, which will require a knowledge of how many units of product will be available throughout a given quarter. By using this report, you can understand current inventory levels and average consumption of different products to more accurately forecast sales.

What You Can Accomplish With Dashboard

This report shows some of the most vital aspects of your supply chain: usage, inventory, and coverage metrics. For usage, you can see the historical trends and some YTD usage metrics. You can also analyze the seasonal usage of products and the average daily usage of different products. For more information about the different pages, you can find the hover over the “Hover for Details” text and look at the tooltip.

The inventory page allows you to look at how many products are in stock and how many are above their safety stock thresholds. You can then see what product sub-groups are struggling to maintain aggregate safety stock levels. This can give inventory managers insight into how the supply chains of different product types are managed.

The stock coverage view shows you how many days of coverage you have for each product which will dictate your ordering behavior. In this scenario, we assume a 7-day buffer, so if your coverage time is less than 7 days, we provide an indicator for you to order more products. The coverage metrics are very common in client supply chain projects and are generally seen as an industry standard for measuring supply chain health. 

Throughout the report, you can right-click and drill-through to the Details tab, which will enable you to see the row-level detail for the different metrics in the report. By providing these different granularities of data, users can explore the data and find answers to the questions within the context of this report, hopefully minimizing the number of times users will have to export data to Excel and find their answers there. 

This dashboard is powered by the Snowflake Data Cloud. Learn more about Snowflake’s offerings here.


We hope you found this report useful in giving you ideas on leveraging Power BI to create reports that will provide you with visibility and insight into your supply chain. 

If you are interested in hearing more about our other client use cases and having a team of our Power BI experts build a solution for you, please feel free to reach out! You can find out more about our Power BI practice at this link. 

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