June 4, 2024

phData Awarded Snowflake 2024 Partner of the Year

By Mitch Rudolph

We’ve done it again! We are so excited to announce that phData has been the 2024 Snowflake Americas Partner of the Year! 

This is our fifth consecutive time earning Partner of the Year status with Snowflake, and we couldn’t be more proud of our team, our clients, and our partnership for making magic again! 

This award is one of the highest attainable partner recognitions within the Snowflake AI Data Cloud partner ecosystem and “would not be possible without the dedication, passion, and grit we pour into ensuring our clients succeed with Snowflake,” remarked Ryan Bosshart, CEO of phData.

“Our team is made up of some of the brightest, most driven individuals in the industry who are constantly pushing the boundaries of the Snowflake platform to deliver exceptional outcomes for our clients. I couldn’t be prouder of our team’s achievements, and I’m excited for this next chapter in our journey with Snowflake.”

This prestigious award was presented live at the 2024 Snowflake Summit event in San Francisco. 

In this blog, we’ll unpack how we won this award and what it means to the future of phData!

Why Does phData Keep Winning Snowflake Partner of the Year?

While there’s no specific “ah ha” moment that continues to push phData to the top of Snowflake’s most desirable partner list, we do believe that it’s the healthy combination of our AI experience, repeatable pattern of customer success, industry-leading automation software, and consistent production of thought-leadership content. 

Let’s break down each of those reasons in more detail. 

Experience with AI

Bringing AI into production for customers is a huge priority for Snowflake. What separates phData from other partners in Snowflake’s partner ecosystem is our proven approach to AI, which leverages the trifecta of statistics, predictive modeling, and ML engineering to build, deploy, and maintain models and applications that expose data-driven insights in an automated and repeatable way on top of the Snowflake platform.

This approach has led us to multiple AI projects with Snowflake customers, and we’re thrilled with our success so far. We also believe our partnerships with top AI companies have been a key driver of our innovation with Snowflake.

Recently, phData announced an exciting partnership with LandingAI, a computer vision company founded by the famed AI researcher Andrew Ng. Like in other areas of AI, we see the world of computer vision becoming dramatically easier, and this will be a huge opportunity for our clients. 

We’ve been working with Andrew and his team as they focus their future product development on the Snowflake ecosystem. Specifically, LandingAI’s software will soon be available as a native application on Snowflake, which phData was fortunate enough to help LandingAI test this new integration and deployment model before Snowflake Summit. 

We’re very excited about this partnership because it complements our Snowflake strategy and opens up a new world of use cases analyzing photos and video. 

Customer Success

Customer success worthy of a referral is one of our top initiatives as an organization. We take great pride in our 98 percent average renewal rate for phData Elastic Operations Managed Service, DataOps, and MLOps. We do our absolute best to ensure every client is successful.

To give you a recent example of this, check out our work with Thrive Pet Healthcare.

Thrive Pet Healthcare – phData helped Thrive Pet Healthcare build a robust Snowflake platform from the ground up in a strategic effort to centralize all of its disparate data. See how this unified approach on Snowflake empowers Thrive to optimize data use, make smarter decisions, enhance client services, and enable AI initiatives.

Automation Software

Over the years, we’ve built a suite of automation tools to help our customers and community get more out of their data. After several iterations and improvements, we developed the phData Toolkit, a comprehensive suite of automation tools that help customers maximize their data usage. 

The phData Toolkit is a significant differentiator in the market, especially among other Snowflake Services providers. Our Toolkit is free for customers to use and contains several powerful automation tools, including the Privilege Audit Tool, which simplifies Snowflake data access auditing through insightful visualizations and reports, and the new Advisor Tool, which optimizes Snowflake usage.

Lastly, we are proud to announce that two of our most powerful Toolkit tools are now available as Snowflake Native Apps on the Snowflake Marketplace!

Snowflake Advisor Tool – Pre-configured set of checks to identify opportunities and provide recommendations that ensure your Snowflake environment is following best practices and industry standards across a variety of categories, including configuration best practices, security enhancements, performance optimizations, and much more!

Access Tool – Helps users and administrators better understand roles and privileges in Snowflake using a searchable interface where you can drill down into your Snowflake account metadata, including users, roles, privileges, databases, and schemas.

Snowflake Resources

Another key element that has been instrumental in securing this award is phData’s substantial contributions to the Snowflake community. Over the last five years, phData has been a prolific content creator, publishing hundreds of technical articles related to Snowflake and hosting numerous hands-on labs and user group sessions worldwide. 

Below are seven of our most popular/requested Snowflake resources:

  1. Getting Started with Snowflake

  2. What is Snowpark and Why Does it Matter?

  3. How to Generate Personalized Emails from your Snowflake CDP with Snowflake Cortex, Snowpark, & Hightouch

  4. Choosing Your Snowflake Migration Approach: “Lift & Shift” or Modernize?

  5. What Are Snowflake’s Top Features?

  6. Snowflake Cortex vs. Snowpark – What’s the Difference?

  7. How to Integrate SAP Data With Snowflake


A massive part of helping our customers be successful with Snowflake is knowing the ins and outs of the platform. At phData, we aim to gain SnowPro Core certification for 100% of our technical employees, and we support this initiative by offering bonuses, encouragement, and time off to get certified. 

The result? phData achieved more Advance Snowflake Certifications than any other partner in 2024. Holistically, phData employees have over 300 certifications, with MANY more in flight. We also wrote the book (blog) on how to pass the SnowPro Core certification exam.

What Does This Award Mean for phData?

Receiving this esteemed award is a testament to the dedication, expertise, and teamwork we bring to each project alongside our valued partners at Snowflake. We’re thrilled with the outstanding results Snowflake delivers for our clients, and being recognized as the 2024 Americas Snowflake Partner of the Year is truly an honor!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, whose continued support and trust in phData inspire us to jointly pave the way for a data-driven future.

What’s Next for phData?

We aim to be the world leader in delivering data and AI products on a modern data platform. To support this mission, we will continue leveraging the modern data stack to help our customers solve real business problems.

Additionally, we’re going to continue to work closely with our partner, Snowflake, on new capabilities and features that help accelerate customer-use cases.


Expressing our gratitude feels almost inadequate compared to the depth of our emotions and appreciation for this award, but it’s the best way we can convey our feelings. On behalf of the entire phData team, we want to extend our sincere thanks to Snowflake for recognizing us as the 2024 Snowflake Americas Partner of the Year.

We’re eager to continue supporting our mutual customers in accelerating their journey toward becoming data-centric organizations with the remarkable capabilities of the Snowflake platform. Stay tuned for more exciting updates by following phData on LinkedIn!

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