September 8, 2023

The Benefits Of Using Snowflake For Business Intelligence

By Justin Delisi

Business intelligence (BI) has become the cornerstone of decision making for businesses, leading organizations to constantly seek innovative solutions to harness the power of their data.

Snowflake Data Cloud, a cloud-native data platform, has emerged as a leading choice for business intelligence (BI) initiatives. With its unique architecture and feature set, Snowflake offers a multitude of benefits that empower organizations to derive valuable insights and unlock the full potential of their data.

In this blog, we will explore Snowflake’s features and explain how they can be used to enable your BI platform to be more efficient, cost effective, and easy to maintain. Furthermore, we will explain how Snowflake’s data sharing capabilities make it simple to share your data, while its security features keep it safe.

What is Snowflake?

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that provides a powerful and scalable solution for storing, managing, and analyzing large volumes of data. It was designed first and foremost with the cloud in mind, leveraging the scalability to tackle many of the challenges faced with traditional data warehousing solutions.

Snowflake is built on a unique architecture known as the multi-cluster shared data architecture, which separates compute resources from storage. This architecture allows Snowflake to scale computing power independently of storage capacity, providing on-demand performance and efficient resource utilization.

Benefits of Using Snowflake in BI

Business Intelligence has grown much more sophisticated over the years, but it is not without its challenges. As the amount of data an organization consumes becomes larger and more diverse, proper tooling is required to meet the higher demand for storage capacity and compute power.

Snowflake has emerged as a top data warehousing solution for business intelligence and here are some examples of how Snowflake can benefit the business intelligence in your company.

Scalability and Elasticity

Snowflake’s architecture is designed to scale seamlessly and adapt to varying workloads. Its scalability allows organizations to process and analyze large volumes of data efficiently. As data grows, Snowflake can seamlessly scale its resources, including compute power and storage capacity, to accommodate increasing data volumes. This ensures that BI applications can handle data growth without sacrificing performance or responsiveness.

BI workloads can be dynamic, with varying demands depending on factors such as time of day, seasonality, or specific business events. Snowflake’s scalability allows organizations to adjust resources based on workload demands.

For example, during periods of high demand, organizations can scale up compute resources to process queries quickly and provide timely insights. Conversely, during periods of low demand, resources can be scaled down, reducing costs without sacrificing performance.

Performance Optimization

Snowflake’s performance optimization features contribute significantly to enhancing business intelligence initiatives. Snowflake’s query processing engine is designed to optimize query execution. It employs techniques such as query parsing, optimization, and intelligent caching to enhance performance.

Snowflake automatically analyzes and optimizes query execution plans, selecting the most efficient query strategy for faster results. This optimization helps reduce query latency and ensures that users receive insights and reports in a timely manner.

Snowflake stores data in a columnar format, which provides several performance advantages for BI applications. Columnar storage allows for efficient compression, reducing the amount of disk I/O required to retrieve data.

This leads to faster query processing times, especially when working with large datasets or performing aggregations and filtering operations typically seen in BI analytics.

Data Sharing

Snowflake’s architecture includes powerful data sharing capabilities. Organizations can securely share data with external partners, customers, or different departments within their organization. Data sharing enables seamless collaboration and fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making across teams, departments, or external partners. 

With Snowflake, organizations can securely share data sets, tables, or entire databases with authorized users, allowing them to access and analyze the shared data in real-time. This facilitates cross-functional collaboration and enables stakeholders to make informed decisions based on a unified and up-to-date data view.

Data Integration and Ecosystem Connectivity

Snowflake provides various connectors and integration options that enable seamless data ingestion from diverse sources into the Snowflake data platform. It supports a wide range of data integration methods, including bulk loading, streaming, and real-time data ingestion.

This allows organizations to easily integrate data from different systems, applications, databases, and third-party sources into Snowflake, consolidating data for BI analysis.

Snowflake’s ecosystem connectivity enables seamless data exchange with external partners and ecosystem platforms. Organizations can securely share data with partners, customers, or suppliers, facilitating collaborative analytics and data-driven decision-making.

This connectivity streamlines data sharing and integration across the business ecosystem, enhancing BI capabilities and enabling organizations to leverage external data sources for enhanced insights.

The ecosystem also allows for simple connection to many popular business intelligence reporting tools, allowing your business to choose the right tool for you.

A graphic showing Snowflake's Data Integration and Ecosystem Connectivity

Data Security and Compliance

Snowflake places a strong emphasis on data security. Snowflake supports encryption at rest and in transit. Data at rest is encrypted using industry-standard AES-256 encryption, ensuring that stored data remains secure even in the event of unauthorized access to storage media.

Data in transit is encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols, safeguarding data as it travels between Snowflake and client applications or between different components within the Snowflake architecture.

Snowflake allows organizations to define granular access controls at various levels, including databases, schemas, tables, and even down to individual rows or columns. With fine-grained access controls, organizations can ensure that only authorized users or roles have access to specific data elements. This helps prevent unauthorized data access and ensures data security and privacy.

Snowflake provides comprehensive auditing capabilities, capturing detailed logs of all user activities, including queries, logins, and data access.

These logs can be analyzed for security and compliance purposes, enabling organizations to monitor and investigate any suspicious or anomalous behavior. Snowflake’s auditing features help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements and demonstrate adherence to security best practices.


In conclusion, leveraging Snowflake for business intelligence offers a myriad of benefits that can revolutionize how organizations manage and analyze their data. Its cloud-native architecture, scalability, and separation of compute and storage provide the foundation for exceptional performance, elasticity, and cost-effectiveness. Snowflake’s data sharing capabilities enable secure collaboration and empower organizations to unlock valuable insights across teams and partners.

Moreover, Snowflake’s robust security features and compliance adherence capabilities instill confidence in data protection and regulatory compliance. The platform’s ease of use and ecosystem integrations further enhance its appeal, allowing users to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions swiftly. Many companies are taking advantage of this ecosystem to create user friendly reports and dashboards, getting information to the end-users faster and easier than ever before. 

By adopting Snowflake for business intelligence, organizations can unlock the full potential of their data, improve operational efficiency, gain a competitive edge, and drive strategic growth. 

Whether it’s scaling resources, enabling seamless collaboration, or ensuring data security, Snowflake empowers businesses to harness the power of data and embark on a transformative journey towards data-driven success.

Have a question about leveraging Snowflake for business intelligence?
phData can help! Reach out today with your most pressing Snowflake questions.


As a leading cloud data warehouse, most popular business intelligence tools make it easy to connect to Snowflake. To learn more about connecting your tooling to Snowflake, check out our blog on the topic here.

Snowflake has created a vast ecosystem of technologies that partner with Snowflake. This includes many BI tools such as PowerBI, Sigma Computing, and Tableau. You can view a list of BI tools, as well as the rest of the Snowflake ecosystem here.

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